
Why Can’t I Breathe Out of My Nose?

Jul 16, 2024
Why Can’t I Breathe Out of My Nose?
It’s one thing if you can’t breathe out of your nose because of a cold. But when it lasts for a week or more, you could have a bigger problem. Learn what can keep you from breathing through your nose, and when it’s time to schedule an appointment.

People usually don’t spend much time thinking about their breathing until it gets difficult, such as nasal congestion that knocks you off your feet when a cold or allergies strike.

However, your sinuses aren’t the only thing that can make it hard to breathe through your nose.

Our experts at Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Specialists help people get to the bottom of acute and chronic problems so they can return to normal life as quickly as possible.

If you’re having problems breathing out of your nose, here are a few common issues that could be to blame.

Nasal congestion

When you can’t breathe through your nose, the first thing to check is nasal congestion — a stuffy nose.

Nasal congestion develops when the lining of the nose grows irritated. In response, it amps up swelling and mucus production, making it difficult to bring in air through your nose.

Additional signs of nasal congestion include:

  • A runny nose
  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Problems nursing or bottle-feeding (in babies)

Nasal congestion affects approximately 12% of the population and typically resolves within a few days. However, if you experience this problem for a week or longer, you could have an infection requiring medical treatment. 

When it’s ignored, nasal congestion can also lead to issues like middle ear infections, nasal polyps, and sinusitis.

Deviated septum

Another issue related to the nose that can impact your breathing involves the septum.

This thin strip of bone and cartilage divides the interior of your nose into two chambers. However, if it’s off-center, it can also block your airway.

Up to 80% of Americans have a deviated septum. It’s so common that many people don’t even realize they have a problem. 

However, in others, it can cause a variety of breathing issues and symptoms, such as:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Nosebleeds
  • Noisy breathing
  • Snoring and/or sleep apnea
  • Facial pain and headaches

In many cases, you can see for yourself if your nostrils seem to be different sizes. Simply tip your head back and look in a mirror or take a photo underneath your nose with your phone.

Our team can also determine if you have a deviated septum during a routine office visit. 

Enlarged adenoids

Finally, another common culprit behind nose breathing problems involves the adenoids.

The adenoids are actually glands that sit behind your nose above the roof of the mouth. These glands typically look like small lumps of tissue, and they shrink with age.

Adenoids usually don’t cause breathing problems in adults. However, they can become infected or swollen in children and need to get removed.

What to do when you can’t breathe through your nose

With so many possible reasons why you might have trouble breathing, schedule an appointment if the problem doesn’t resolve within a few days.

Our team performs an exam and gets to the bottom of your symptoms. Then, we create a personalized treatment strategy. As you might suspect, we tailor these approaches to the specific issue interfering with your ability to breathe through your nose.

For instance, if you have nasal congestion due to allergies or sinusitis, we could recommend medications to ease your symptoms. However, if you have nasal polyps or a deviated septum, we could suggest surgical treatment.

Are you struggling to breathe through your nose? We can help.

Contact Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Specialists by phone or book a visit online with one of our talented experts in Tampa or Brandon, Florida, today.