

Hives offered in Tampa and Brandon, FL


About 20% of Americans will experience itchy hives at some point. For some, these skin welts can become chronic. At Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates, our experts offer diagnostic allergy tests to identify the cause of acute or chronic hives. We also personalize a treatment plan to quickly relieve itchy skin and prevent the hives from returning. Call the nearest office in Carrollwood, South Tampa, or Brandon, Florida, today to schedule a hives consultation for yourself or your child or book an appointment online.

Hives Q&A

What are hives?

Urticaria, commonly called hives, is a skin reaction to allergens. When you come into contact with an allergen, these skin-colored or red welts suddenly appear on your skin. The welts can swell and itch like bug bites but typically disappear soon after developing.

Hives result from chemicals (histamines) your immune system floods into your bloodstream in response to contact with an allergen. You can also develop hives for nonallergic reasons.

The several types of hives the Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates team diagnoses and treats in children and adults include:

Acute urticaria

Acute urticaria describes hives that occasionally develop due to exposure to allergens.

Chronic urticaria

Chronic urticaria describes hives that last more than six weeks and frequently return over months or years.

Physical urticaria

Physical urticaria is hives that develop due to environmental stimuli like exercise, sunlight, and changes in air temperature.

When should I seek medical care for hives?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates for hives lasting longer than a few days or if you have severe or widespread hives.

Seek emergency medical care if you have an allergic reaction that causes shortness of breath, swelling in your mouth or throat, and dizziness. These symptoms could be signs of anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

Our allergy specialists offer skin testing and blood tests in their offices to identify your allergy triggers. They also create a treatment plan to suppress your immune system’s reaction to known allergens.

How are hives treated?

The Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates team generally uses a combination of lifestyle changes and medication to prevent hive outbreaks.

Your care plan can include topical or oral medications that relieve skin itching and swelling. If you have chronic hives, your provider can prescribe medications to calm your immune system to prevent new hives from developing.

The team can also recommend lifestyle strategies to manage hives, including:

  • Avoiding triggers
  • Taking cool showers
  • Using high-quality sunscreen
  • Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing

To protect your skin from damage, you mustn’t scratch your hives. Be sure to apply moisturizers regularly and follow a healthy diet to maintain skin health.

If your hives and associated swelling episodes are not controlled with oral and topical medications, our team will consider a new class of medications called biologics, which is very effective in quickly controlling hives and swelling episodes.

Call the Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates office near you today to schedule a hives consultation or book an appointment online.