
Patch Testing

Patch Testing offered in Tampa and Brandon, FL

Patch Testing

If you have skin allergies but aren’t sure what’s triggering your symptoms, schedule patch testing at Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates. The experienced allergy specialists offer a comprehensive panel of contact allergens for in-office testing to identify the offending contact allergens. The team also customizes a care plan to treat your symptoms and help you avoid contact with those allergens. Call the office in Brandon or Tampa, Florida, today to schedule a patch testing consultation or book an appointment online.

Patch Testing Q&A

What is patch testing?

Patch testing is a diagnostic allergy test that identifies which substances trigger an allergic reaction by your immune system.

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates offers a comprehensive panel of contact allergens for patch testing in adults and children. Patch testing results give the team the information they need to treat and manage your allergies.

When should I consider patch testing?

You should consider patch testing at Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates if you have persistent or repeated itchy rashes.

The allergy specialists use patch testing to determine what’s triggering an allergic reaction so that you can come up with ways to reduce your exposure to known allergens. Unlike other allergy tests that identify immediate allergic reactions, patch tests check for reactions that appear hours or days after exposure.

What can I expect during my patch testing appointment?

During your patch testing appointment at Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates, the team places small amounts of common allergies on the surface of your skin. They cover each area with a patch.

Typically, the providers test for several allergens during the same procedure, so you might have many patches on your body. The allergens remain on your skin for 48 hours before you return to the office for evaluation. The team removes each patch to check your skin for a local response. An additional reading might be needed 2-7 days later, depending on symptoms and the type of suspected contact allergen.

Call the Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates office near you today to learn more about the benefits of patch testing, or book an appointment online.